The Northland Barbershop Chorus 



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Local Quartets:  Good Intentions


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        What a fantastic Harmony College we had last night!!!!  I was enthralled at all the talent we had at hand, and really learned a lot.  I also had an opportunity to see most of it with Lyle, our new "born Bass", who did a terrific job of learning stuff so far.  As Bob Shami said at the guests' night, hand in the membership and he'd be a solid part, right now.  In woodshedding, there were leads who had no experience at bari, just sliding that part in as if they'd been in the left seats for years.  Other basses found tenor wasn't as hard as they had thought.  Maybe we'll see some movement in the year to come.  

        Below the reminders, I've included a set of notes from Don Bazely to Al Bonney, and then Al's return comments, all about our Harmony College.  We keep coming up with firsts for the District, and other areas are starting to watch us for further ideas.  Since we're also known as the chorus to sing for, just before you go to International, we're known as good luck.  Hurray for us!

Some sites to click on:
log onto to see our website
check out Good Intentions site          
Pioneer district site                                         

Others things of interest: quartetters' online newsletter, other Barbershop recordings, the HARMONIZER online or finding a quartet, all found in notes at the bottom.
Some Reminders:
1. Singout at Westminister this Sunday    May 25        Be there at 10, ready to sing for 11
2. Confirm with your caller your availability for June 1, June 8 and June 23.

Art, I do not have the complete e-mail address book for the Sault chapter.  Please be good enough to forward this. It seems that Al Bonney got quite excited about our modest school. And so he should.!!
Don Bazely
IPP Pioneer District
Director Lock Cities' Chorus
Bass-Relative Harmony


-----Original Message-----
From: Al Bonney []
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 1:23 PM
To: District Board Yahoo; Chapter Presidents
Cc: Ev Nau;; 'Lynch, Brian'
Subject: [cpres] Creative solutions to continuing challenges


While e-mail is becoming a maligned method of communications, I could not help but pass this note on from Don Bazely about something that the Sault Chapter is doing to build excitement in their membership, add value to their member's barbershop experience AND interest guests in what they are doing.  Sounds like this day-long activity was a home run and I salute the men in the Sault Ste. Marie chapter for their inventiveness and creativity.

I very much appreciate Don's concern that programs like these may compete with district programs, but success is what we are seeking and success looks like adding value to our member's barbershop experience.  There is certainly no apology necessary - if fact, wouldn't it be a wonderful problem to have when programs like this at the chapter or multiple chapter level actually start providing a major service to this overall mission!!  Keep 'em coming,
	I wonder how many other locations this or some variation of this might
work!!  Bravo to the Soo Barbershoppers - keep these good stories coming!

. . . .  Adding Value To Our Member's Barbershop Experience!
It's Great to be a Barbershopper . . . . In Pioneer!

Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 1:13 PM
To: Bonney Al

Al, this only reinforces my earlier contention that Pioneer Barbershoppers could be feeding on too rich a diet. They are saturated.  This school was not intended to run in competition with HRU but that, in fact, is what it did. We MAY have got one or two guys at HRU. We would NEVER have got 30...or more.

Would I want to discourage this type of chapter initiative? Not on your life!! This points to a chapter with as very healthy leadership.  As I said in the article I cannot conceive a better orientation program. It wasn't specifically designed as such but that is what it turned out to be. Our guests were STARVING for more. That's what we will give the fall.  I've come to the conclusion that it pays big dividends to have the chapter pres. as a lead in your quartet and as a personal friend.!!!
See you on the 7th.
Don B.

Don Bazely
IPP Pioneer District
Director Lock Cities' Chorus
Bass-Relative Harmony



	On Monday, May 19, the Sault chapter leadership held what might be a first for a Pioneer chapter.  If you look at the hierarchy of Barbershop Schools we have to startwith the pinnacle of experience; HARMONY/DIRECTORS' COLLEGE.  Following that we get the District school, HARMONY ROUND UP. We then go the more specialized schools like CDWI, and, more recently, CHORUS AND QUARTET REGIONAL COACHING SCHOOLS.
	Now, I may be singing the wrong tune, but I have not heard of a chapter
putting on a chapter level school. The Sault chapter did just that.

The subjects were:

Barbershop craft
Theory of Music
Tag singing, &
Sight reading.

The classes were 30 minutes long and all students had an opportunity to participate in all classes. Naturally, a 30 minute class, especially the technical sessions, can only cover a limited syllabus. BUT...we whetted appetites for, possibly, more comprehensive early bird classes in the fall. The response exceeded our expectations. 22 of our members signed up and with 5 additional members comprising the faculty, we had 27 members actively involved.
The big surprise, however, was the number of men, recently at our guest night, who showed up for the chapter school. I believe that we had something like 10-12 guests who were just thrilled to be given this opportunity to learn some technical "stuff" for free. The hardcore tag singers shut the lights off an hour or more after the school ended. Among the tag singers were 4 or 5 recent guests.
On a scale of 1 to 10 I believe the chapter scored a 10.  O.K., O.K., it wasn't the same as HRU or HC/DC but it was a huge step in the right direction. How about this experience for a new member orientation?

Planning for the next school is already on the drawing board.

Don Bazely
Chapter Counsellor


One final comment from the Peanut Gallery.  The winner of "Who is this man, and what part did he sing?" contest was Al Murray.  He correctly identified Bruce Martin as a lead.  Al has received a personalized set of business cards as his prize. 
(seen below)
(we also have a back to our cards, included below)

and the back:

We're still looking for an answer for:

1. Who were the Honey Pots, and in what year did they
   win the novice quartet trophy?
2. Name 3 or more quartets, before "Good Intentions",
   of which only two can contain Bob Shami.

Some interesting sites you might want to try:

Newsletter for quartetters:
on the QT Newsletter Home
Edited by SPEBSQSA Music Specialist Jim DeBusman, this newsletter is full of information for quartet singers.


Barbershop recordings distributed by non-Society sources

Yes! All those barbershop CDs you've seen in Parade magazine are legitimate - and the Society makes money on some.


Harmonizer Home

You love it in print - you'll find even more to it in the online edition of the Society's bi-monthly magazine

To subscribe, call Harmony Marketplace at 800-876-7464 or order online.


Find A Quartet

Whether a formal show, a private get-together, or a chance to sing with new friends, SPEBSQSA quartets love to share their music with you. Look up a nearby quartet now.