The Northland Barbershop Chorus 



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Local Quartets:  Good Intentions


Previous Issues      Current Issue

                                                 Go to , and then follow the links to the Northland chorus.  (It’s not in alphabetical order, so you’ll have to look lower.)  Eventually, you’ll use just: to find the news.
(I’ve included the chorus picture given.)  What a terrific job on the website.  Great kudos and thanks to Ian Dean, who is responsible, and is working on improving it, continuously.  Thanks, Ian!

Great News Abounds!

       Congratulations to Richard Evans, on his becoming a full-fledged member of the Chorus.  He adds a lot to the bass section, and I’m glad he stands behind me and keeps me on track sometimes, when my mind wanders.                         

       Our own terrific chapter quartet has been asked to sing for us as often as they can. 
{Made up of Graham McHatty, Sean McMurray, Loyal Beggs and Bruce Clarida}.  With their expertise and mellow sound, it can only add more to our barbershop experience.  Myself, I can only feel that it will encourage others of us to form quartets and experience the richness of singing with three other guys who want the thrill of having a chord ring just for them.
        When I was a new barbershopper, I was always thrilled by the close harmony and antics of 
The Soo-veniers, which if I remember aright, were made up of Gerry Clowes, Gene Haines, Harry Shardlow and Don Bazely.  They had such a rich, full sound, giving us that “hooty owl” sound, long before it was even thought of.  And I miss Gerry’s “L’il Albutt” stories.

       Our five masters of pedagogy are looking forward to having a terrific night, as are we, and Pierre Lefebvre has gotten us organized and scheduled, so look out world, we’re going to have a great night!
[Professors are Don Bazely, Bill Webb, Al Murray, Bob Shami and Wes Triplett]

      A great “Thank You” to all of you who hand out the business cards, talked to friends, gave Jim Lake (a tireless worker, cheerful, helpful and just all-round terrific.  We’re lucky to have him as a member) a list of people you’d like to see join us in Barbershopping, and to the executive, who have been working extremely hard in the background to make this work.  We have had, at last count, over 80 invitees, of which at least 20 came from Bill Webb.  What a great gang of men to work with, this Northland Chorus.  We should have a lot of fun with the Guest Night, if early results can be used to predict.
         Just a reminder, to come if possible by 6:45, so that we can get the last little bit of organizing done.  As well, wear your name tags, so the guests (and the rest of us) can read your name and so know something about what’s going on.
          As well, you’ve all been bringing guests and it’s appreciated.  Kevin Collar brought 3 guests for the past couple of weeks, and they seemed interested.  It’s good that we can appeal to that age of guests, and not be an “old folks” group, the way some of the public seem to think of us.



What a great looking bunch of guys!

Upcoming Requests for Singouts,
(subject to availability of members, especially the Tenor Section: )

Westminister    May 26    11:00  (be there for 10)
Willowgrove     June 1       11:00  (10)

June 9  NOVICE NIGHT  - Do you have a quartet ready and practicing?

Davey Home    June 23

From the past:

1.    Can you name three former chapter quartets, before the Good Intentions?
(see if you can name no more than 2 that Bob Shami sang in)
2.    What part did Don Bazely sing when he first joined the chorus?
3.    Who were the “Honey Pots”, and what year did they win the Novice Quartet competition?

Who is this, and what part did he sing?